The following Terms of Use govern and apply to your use of and/or reliance upon this and any other website (collectively “Sites”) maintained by TRB Chemedica International S.A. and/or any of its affiliated companies (“TRB”). The Sites are the exclusive property of, and contain material about TRB, and may be of interest to TRB’s employees and customers, as well as to members of the health care community and the general public regardless of the place of access.

The terms “we”, “us”, “our” and “TRB” used throughout the Sites refer to the HQ of TRB’s group of companies based in Geneva, Switzerland (“TRB HQ”) as well as any company part of TRB’s group of companies.

Please feel free to browse the Sites, however please read these Terms of Use before accessing our Sites further.

Your access and use of the information contained herein is at your own risk and subject to the following terms and conditions and all applicable laws. By accessing and browsing the Sites, you acknowledge and accept these terms and conditions without any limitation, restriction or qualification.

If you do not agree with any of the terms and conditions contained herein, please refrain from using the Sites and disregard any and all information contained therein.



The Sites and all information and related materials they contain are provided “as is”. TRB makes no representation or warranty whatsoever regarding the completeness, accuracy or adequacy of the Sites, or the suitability, functionality, availability or operation of the information or materials they contain. TRB specifically disclaims all warranties, express or implied, including without limitation the warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and non-infringement with respect to the Sites and information, graphics and materials contained therein, including warranties or representations that material on the Sites will be complete, accurate, reliable, timely and non-infringing to third parties, and that access to the Sites will be secure, uninterrupted and error-free or free from viruses. Any material on the Sites is subject to change without notice; however, TRB does not assume any responsibility to update it.



TRB may revise these terms and conditions at any time by updating this page. You are bound by such terms as are in effect at the time you access the Sites and should therefore periodically visit this page to review the most current terms and conditions.



To the extent permitted by applicable law, neither TRB nor any other party involved in creating the sites on our behalf is liable or responsible for any direct, incidental, special, consequential, indirect or punitive damages or other damages arising out of your access to or use of the Sites, including but not limited to any damages for lost profits, business interruption, loss of programs or other data on your information handling system or otherwise, or viruses or malware that may infect your computer equipment or software or other property by reason of your use of, access to or downloading any material from the Sites. You should take all precautionary measures when accessing the Sites. Downloading of material from the Sites is at your own risk.



TRB reserves the right to monitor and control access to the Sites at all times and to take any necessary measures to prevent or restrain unauthorized or prohibited access or use of the Sites. These measures may include, but are not limited to, taking legal action and suspending or terminating your access to the Sites without notice.



The Sites and their contents are controlled by TRB HQ and are intended to comply with the laws and regulations of Switzerland.

We acknowledge that it is possible for you to obtain access to the Sites from any jurisdiction in the world, but we have no practical ability to prevent such access. The Sites have been designed to comply with the laws of Switzerland but they are intended for international use. TRB gives no guarantee however that the details presented on these Sites are correct worldwide and, in particular, that products and services will be available with the same appearance, in the same sizes or on the same conditions throughout the world.

If any material on the Sites, or your use of the Sites, is contrary to the laws of the place where you are when you access it, the Sites are not intended for you and we ask you not to use the Sites. If you access the Sites from outside Switzerland, you do so at your own risk and are responsible for informing yourself of the laws of your jurisdiction and complying with them.



The Sites have been designed to provide general information about TRB and its products. The Sites are not intended to provide any instruction on the appropriate use of products produced and supplied by TRB, and the product information presented on the Sites is intended only as a brief summary for the visitor’s convenience in relation to the activities of TRB.

Internet is a global community service by definition and the Sites may be viewed worldwide. The pharmaceutical industry, however, is regulated by laws which limit the amount of information that can be provided on pharmaceutical products and whose effects are territorially limited.

Moreover, the registration status of pharmaceutical products may be different in the various parts of the world. In the same way, the texts approved for their packages may vary according to the different conditions of the marketing authorization in the various countries.

The Sites may contain references to products, indications or services that are not licensed or available in every country and may be subject to further local variations. No representations are made that the material and information on the Sites are appropriate or available in all national locations or languages.

References to a particular product or service do not imply that TRB intends to make such products or services available in such countries. For specific product information, you should always consult the local summary of product characteristics and/or product characteristics or instructions for use. For advice on medical issues, you should always consult your local medical practitioner.

While there may be information on the sites related to certain medical conditions and their treatment, should a medical condition exist, promptly see your own physician or health provider. TRB does not offer personalized medical diagnosis or patient-specific treatment advice.

Please consult with your doctor or other qualified health care professional before using any product discussed within the Sites.


The Sites are copyright protected. All images and information on the Sites are owned by or otherwise provided to TRB. Save where indicated otherwise, the trademarks and logos appearing on the Sites, either designated with a trademark symbol or type form that is different from the surrounding text, are registered or unregistered trademarks of TRB or of third parties and may not be used without having obtained prior written authorization from TRB or the respective owner of the trademark.



Nothing on the Sites shall be construed as conferring by implication, estoppel or otherwise any license or right to use in any form or manner any patent, copyright, trademark or other intellectual right of TRB or any other person or entity. Any misuse of trademarks on the Sites and in their conditions is strictly prohibited.



TRB does not wish to receive any proprietary information through the Sites. For any information and material you provide to us, including without limitation feedback, questions, comments or the like, you acknowledge and recognize that we shall deem this information non-confidential and non-proprietary, and that such information or material may be used in any manner whatsoever by TRB. TRB assumes no obligation whatsoever with respect to such information or material. You expressly grant TRB the right to reproduce and publicize such information or material and confirm that it shall be free to use such information or material for any purpose whatsoever.

By submitting said information or material, you also warrant that you own the submitted information or material and that it will not violate any third party’s rights or otherwise place TRB in breach of any applicable laws.

You are prohibited from posting or transmitting any inappropriate, unlawful, defamatory, inflammatory, pornographic or profane material, or any material that could constitute or encourage conduct that would be considered a criminal offense, give rise to civil liability, or otherwise violate any law.

The Sites may contain links to, or may be accessed from links on other websites. TRB does not have responsibility for or control of the contents, availability, operation or performance of other websites to which the Sites may be linked or from which the Sites may be accessed. These links are provided for your convenience only and your linking from the Sites to any other website is at your own risk. TRB makes no representation regarding the content of any other websites that you may access from the Sites. Unless you have been expressly authorized to do so in writing by TRB, you may not create links from other websites to the Sites.

TRB concerns about its users and the protection of their personal information.

Therefore, TRB has created this Privacy Policy that applies to the services offered by TRB, including the Sites. It explains how we collect, use and disclose personal information you may provide to us while using the Sites, the measures we take to keep this information safe and secure, and what your rights are regarding data privacy. Any personal information or material sent to the Sites shall be subject to the terms and conditions set out in this Privacy Policy. By accessing the Sites, you consent to the collection and use of information as set forth herein and agree to be bound by these terms and conditions. Please read this Privacy Policy attentively.

This Privacy Policy applies to the sites only and not to any websites of other companies or organizations to which the Sites may be linked. TRB does not endorse, and is not responsible, for these linked websites.

Even though we take all reasonable steps to protect your security, it should be noted that data transmission over the internet cannot always be guaranteed as 100% secure, so your use of the Sites is at your own risk.


When you provide us with your personal information, you consent to us processing all such personal information as set out in this Privacy Policy. Please revisit this page occasionally to review any changes that may have been made. If you have any questions, comments or concerns about how we handle your personal information, please contact us.

Personal information is any information about an identifiable person. We may either obtain non-personal information which is automatically collected in the course of the use of this website; or personal information which you provide voluntarily.



Non-personal information automatically collected through the Sites may include the date and time the Sites are accessed, the type of browser that is used and the IP address of the user’s computer. This information is used for system administration purposes and to help improve the Sites.



You may be asked to provide us with your personal information when you visit certain sections of our Sites and particularly when you wish to receive our Newsletter. Personal information may also be collected when you request information or services offered on the Sites. This information is used to respond to your request and as otherwise permitted by law.

We share personal information with various third party services providers, consultants, agents, legal and other expert advisors for the purpose of collecting, comparing and processing safety information and in connection with other services such as technical support and data hosting.

We may also disclose your personal data to TRB’s subsidiaries and affiliates, distributors, license partners or other companies with whom we collaborate for promotional and research purposes, marketing communications and in order to provide you with product and service updates.

Finally, we may disclose your personal data to official authorities where applicable by law (e.g. reporting adverse events for pharmacovigilance), court order or other proceeding, or in case of audits or investigations regarding complaints or security threats.

These service providers and collaboration partners are legally bound to keep all personal information confidential and to use it only to perform the services for which we engaged them or to comply with legal pharmacovigilance obligations.



Your personal information will only be used and disclosed for the purposes for which it was collected, unless you consent to a different use or if required by law.

In order to collect, use and disclose your personal information, your knowledge and consent are required. By providing your personal information on our Sites you consent to this collection, use and disclosure of your personal information in accordance with the terms of this Privacy Policy. You may however withdraw your consent to such collection, use and disclosure at any time, subject to legal or contractual restrictions, by sending an email to contact-web@trbchemedica.com.



We take all the appropriate measures to guarantee the security of your personal information. Our security practices are reviewed on a regular basis and we routinely update technology to ensure the confidentiality and privacy of your personal information is not compromised.

TRB considers the protection of children’s privacy, especially online, to be of the utmost importance. We do not knowingly collect or solicit personal information from children, nor do we allow them to become registered users, or to request information through our Sites. We assume that any person who provides their personal data through the Sites is 16 years of age or older. If we learn that we have collected any personal data from a child under the age of 16, we will take steps to delete such information promptly.



Personal information will only be retained for as long as it remains necessary to fulfil the purposes identified unless otherwise required by law. Once this period expires, your personal information will be securely destroyed.



You have the right to ask for a copy of your data held by us. Save for certain exceptions and limitations prescribed by law, you also have the right to require us to correct any inaccuracies in your data, or remove your details altogether by sending your request by email to contact-web@trbchemedica.com.

These terms and conditions may be changed by TRB without prior notice in case of technology and legal developments, and to accommodate changes on the Sites. The collection, use and disclosure of your personal information will be governed by the version of these terms in effect at that time. New versions will be posted on the Sites. Your continued use of the Sites after changes are posted will be considered as your consent to these changes.

Cookies are small text files that are placed on your computer or device when you access certain websites in order to improve your experience. We use cookies in order to make our Sites more effective for your browsing. Our Sites use analytics software and cookies to help analyze your use of the Sites. No personally identifiable information is stored in cookies.

By accessing and using the Sites, you agree to our use of cookies as described in this Cookie Policy.

Most browsers are set so that they automatically accept cookies. You may however deactivate the storage of cookies by adjusting your browser settings to stop it from accepting cookies or to notify you as soon as cookies are set. If you choose to refuse cookies, you may not be able to use the full functionality of the Sites.



Email newsletter related cookies – The Sites offer newsletter or email subscription services and cookies may be used to remember if you are already registered and whether to show certain notifications which might only be valid to subscribed/unsubscribed users.

Forms related cookies – When you submit data through a form such as those found on contact pages or comment forms, cookies may be set to remember your user details for future correspondence.

Website preferences cookies – In order to provide you with the best experience on the Sites we provide the functionality to set your preferences for how the Sites run when you use them. In order to remember your preferences we need to set cookies so that this information can be retrieved whenever you interact with a page that is affected by your preferences.



In some special cases, we also use cookies provided by trusted third parties. The following section details which third party cookies you might encounter through the Sites.

The Sites use Google Analytics, provided by Google Inc., which is one of the most widespread and trusted analytics solutions on the web, in order to help us understand how you use the Sites and how we can improve your experience. These cookies may track things such as the IP (internet protocol) addresses of Sites visitors’ computers or devices, how much time you spend on the Sites and the pages that you visit so we can continue to produce engaging content. Google may transfer the information to third parties where required to do so by law, or where such third parties process the information on Google’s behalf. For more information on Google Analytics cookies, please refer to the official Google Analytics website.